Silly Me

I don't like to start the New Year on a negative note, but it is the blogger's lot to speak as you find.
I was in a local Lees Managed House over the festive period and keen to try Lees Christmas Seasonal, Plum Pudding, I ordered a pint.  The young barmaid waited while the manager was using the handpump.  There was a pint of Plum Pudding sitting at the side.  The manager said to her colleague "You can have this."  I immediately said that I would prefer not to have the last pint poured out of a cask - I assumed she was changing the barrel - and said so.  The manager assured me it was not the last pint, but that there had been a problem with the connection and this one was fine. 

Now as I am fairly well known in a lot of Lees houses (though not to the manager in this case), I dislike such situations. Someone is bound to say "I see the local CAMRA Bod is in complaining about the beer."  So I reluctantly accepted the pint, which wasn't great, but not bad.  My second pint was terrific though; sparkling, clean and delicious. Night and day.  I knew then I had been "had". Serves me right. I had my doubts and should have stood my ground, but for mixed, or maybe mixed up, reasons I didn't. But I don't like being served beer that on the evidence available to me, was known by the manager to be less than optimal. Cask beer should never be served where there is a doubt as to quality.

It won't be that way next time when I have my doubts.  My first New Year's Resolution!

Happy New Year to all my readers.  Have a great 2013.


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